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What are the three AI Ethics we need to consider while building the intelligent Machine ?

Topic - AI Ethics Class 10 CBSE 

Type - Short answer 

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The three AI Ethics we need to consider while building the intelligent Machine are :-

1. AI Access In simple terms AI access means making AI more accessible.

AI Access discusses the gap in society, where only upper-class people who can afford AI-enabled devices have the opportunity to access it and people below the poverty line don't have access to it.

2. AI Bias - AI Bias means favouring someone or something. AI bias focuses upon training the machines with unbiased data, when Bias Data is fed to an AI Machine while creating the Model then the machine will also be bias.

The quality of your model is usually a direct result if the quality and quantity of your data. 

3. Data privacy - Data privacy is defined as ones ability to control how our digital data is being stored, modified, and exchanged between different parties. 

Example - Some apps will ask permission to access your photos , videos , audio etc 

Study more about AI Ethics at AI Ethics Class 10

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