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The ________ is the domain of AI that depicts the capability of a machine to get and analyse visual information and afterwards predict some decisions.

  • a) NLP 
  • b) Data Sciences 
  • c) Augmented Reality
  • d) Computer Vision
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Verified Answer

d) Computer Vision

Explanation :-

Computer Vision is a field of AI which deals with understanding and manipulating Images, Videos and Other Visual Inputs to derive information out of it.

This Information helps in prediction of decisions, for example :-

  1.  Image Classification - Classifying Images(Pixels) in groups based on specific rules.
  2. Object Detection - Identifying and Locating Objects
  3. Object Tracking - locating a moving object over time 

These three can help in Prediction of Correct path to move on, predicting the patterns in pictures and etc.

Study More about Computer Vision at - Computer Vision Class 10

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