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A scenario is given to you below. Read it and answer the questions that follow

Late one night, a car ran over a pedestrian in a narrow by street and drove away without stopping. A policeman who saw the vehicle leave the scene of the accident reported it moving at very high speed. The accident itself was witnessed by six by standers. They provided the following conflicting accounts of what had happened:

 - It was a blue car driven by a man;

 - The car was moving at high speed and its headlights were turned off; 

- The car did have license plates; it wasn’t going very fast; 

- It was a Toyota and its headlights were turned off; 

- The car didn’t have license plates; the driver was a woman; 

- It was a grey Ford. 

When the car and its driver were finally apprehended, it turned out that only one of the six eyewitnesses gave a fully correct description. Each of the other five provided one true and one false piece of information. Keeping that in mind, can you determine the following:   

a. What was the car’s brand?

b. What was the colour of the car? 

c. Was the car going fast or slow?

d. Did it have license plates? 

e. Were its headlights turned on?

f. Was the driver a man or a woman? 

Topic intro to AI ( Foundational concepts )
 Type  Long Answer Type
Class 10
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a. What was the car’s brand? Ans: FORD

b. What was the colour of the car? Ans: BLUE 

c. Was the car going fast or slow? Ans: FAST 

d. Did it have license plates? Ans: NO 

e. Were its headlights turned on? Ans: NO

f. Was the driver a man or a woman? Ans: WOMAN 

Explanation: Out of the statements of 6 bystanders, the third statement becomes false as the policeman who saw the vehicle leave the scene of the accident reported it moving at very high speed. Then eliminating all false statements of bystanders, the above results can be extracted.

Study more about introduction to AI at intro to AI

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